About Me

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The way I see it, the time is NOW... for change to come & happiness, health & strength to be found. As of 2012, this has only changed in the way that I have stumbled upon an amazing at home business venture that has given me the avenue to ACTUALLY help transform peoples lives. Funny thing is, that's been my goal all along. So now I not only share who I am here but what I do. The fact is that anyone of you can actually find your happiness & success thru allowing the right connections to occur in your life. If you are on my blog... you made it here because you are looking to shift, strive, smile &/or change. Well now, I can help guide you to do any & all of the above thru personal motivation, life changing products with an outstanding reputation & LONG list of testimonials, substantial savings with our shopping annuity & incredible business opportunities to actually call your own... While never having to leave the security of your current J O B! Never be afraid to give something you know nothing about a chance; at least to hear about it. Then you can make an educated decision to pass it up not an ignorant one. The opportunities exist.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So... I keep referring to the gym as 'club', cause THAT's what we called it growing up.... the health club!!! And I feel like such a dork!!! Ha! But anyway... I went to the 'gym' and had my fitness test with a trainer. It was very cool. I loved being challenged. However, I couldn't really be put to much of a test because I broke the #1 rule for working out. I did NOT eat before rushing out to the gym! Bogus!!!! I was tired and chose to sleep in!!! Anyway....

For my age and height my Body Fat % should be @ 24% MaX. My actual B.F. = 29% ... I can't say that makes me upset but now I know what to shoot for in the next couple of months.

I need to knock 9% off of my body fat!!! AnD I am looking to do it in two months or sooner.
(A professional 21 year old trainer is @ 7%... My 22 year old son is @ 8%... o_O Just to give you guys an idea... )

Along with that, I want to increase my cardiovascular endurance by staying an active runner and enjoying some 'Insanity' along the way. Last but in NO way least; I'd like to get my abs in bikini worthy shape and get rid of the week triceps and extra upper back weight. THIS is not going to be easy but like they say... "Nothing worth doing is EvEr easy!!"

Also found out that my eating habits are horrible. (Not that big a surprise..) I seem to be functioning at a low metabolic rate for a lot of my day. Burning muscle tissue instead of fat!! THAT was enlightening!!! That is how important eating the 3/6 small meals a day is.

So, back to the drawing bored for me. I've got to ensure to take in better fuel through out my day.

Had plenty of water so far, about 6 servings already. Ate 3 egg whites with half a large bell pepper and 2 whole wheat slices of bread @ 12/12:30pm and Now... I am about to have 4 slices of lean ham with a sweet potato (as soon as I look up how to prepare that sweet potato on line. =D) And we'll see what dinner will be...

How are your work outs and diet habits changing??? Are you getting enough zzzz's at bed time?? Do you have your fitness goals written down somewhere were you can constantly see them?

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