About Me

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The way I see it, the time is NOW... for change to come & happiness, health & strength to be found. As of 2012, this has only changed in the way that I have stumbled upon an amazing at home business venture that has given me the avenue to ACTUALLY help transform peoples lives. Funny thing is, that's been my goal all along. So now I not only share who I am here but what I do. The fact is that anyone of you can actually find your happiness & success thru allowing the right connections to occur in your life. If you are on my blog... you made it here because you are looking to shift, strive, smile &/or change. Well now, I can help guide you to do any & all of the above thru personal motivation, life changing products with an outstanding reputation & LONG list of testimonials, substantial savings with our shopping annuity & incredible business opportunities to actually call your own... While never having to leave the security of your current J O B! Never be afraid to give something you know nothing about a chance; at least to hear about it. Then you can make an educated decision to pass it up not an ignorant one. The opportunities exist.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Not like it matters much during this hectic time of year, but todays RuN did NOT happen and it sucks! Tomorrows Insanity will probably NOT happen and THAT sucks more!!

So, I guess it's safe to say that there will be a FouR day break from what selfishly makes me tick tock...
Family first... ;)

Todays meals... half a grapefruit and then a protein shake... (it's 5pm) ... it's going to be a LoNg four days...

Happy Holidays

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Got my 'pure cardio' in today and saw my chiropractor. All good news and he worked his magic again on my hip. Feels good to keep up with this new life style of mine. I did NOT, however, get my lower body weights done. Too much of a time crunch and thinking about it. I think that the lower body work outs will be smaller since I only want to change two things on my legs... inner thighs and better gluteus. So I will hopefully get THAT in soon.

Had 6 servings of water so far and a half a grapefruit before breakfast. Then a protein shake for breakfast. Lunch was a little salad w/cucumber and baby carrots. And two slices of whole wheat toast w/two slices of lean ham w/some avocado and tomato. Mmmmmm...

Dinner??? We shall see... I think maybe grilled chicken breast and small, small portion of the brown rice...
If anyone wants to start any kind of program or exercise routine and wants/needs a little feed back. Let me know...

If anyone is on any kind of program or routine and wants/needs a little feed back. Let me know.

If you feel that you are spinning your wheels and not accomplishing the goals that you have set out to meet, and want a little feed back. Let me know.

If you would like to incorporate a new way of eating for fuel and don't know where to start. I can try to help. But, only if you let me know.

No commitments here... No rights or wrongs... Just regular people trying to make their 'change' happen. =)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lol... Well, I got a 4.6 mile run in and felt pretty good. 3 out of the 4 miles were sub 10min pace. I am happy about that. But I just could not get my tae bo in after the run. Had the darn dizziness again for approx. the last 1/2 mile and the cool down. Opted for a shower and some fuel. :/ Maybe next week... I'll be more ready to incorporate the tae bo. I know it will do wonders for my upper body!

Water intake is on target and before the run I had a handful of animal crackers w/peanut butter. Post run, I had two egg whites and 2 slices of lean ham after 1/2 a grapefruit. And the 2nd meal was a small bowl of lean ground beef and peas. I don't know what meal #3 is going to be.... But I'mma' gettin hungry...

Monday, December 19, 2011

There is much to be said...

Diet: Protein shake in the morning with my vitamins. Three slices of lean ham w/three slices of whole wheat bread for mid/late afternoon. Lean ground beef w/boiled peas and brown rice for dinner. Had about a total of 10 servings of water between 3 whole water bottles and two small pitchers of hot tea.

Got the Insanity Cardio Recovery in and went right into the Upper body work out with light 5lb. weights. Total work out time was a crunch today, I did not have adequate resting periods between sets and or reps. But you gotta' do what you've gotta' do... With both programs today, I went for a total of 1 hour and 5 minutes. (should have been more like an hour and 1/2)

Feeling GREAT! Only hit Intensity levels of 6/7 for the last reps in each of the 5 sets of exercises. Gotta' work a little harder next time! Exercises done: Chest/Dumbbell Press,
Shoulders/Seated dumbbell press, Back/One Arm Dumbbell Row (per arm), Triceps/Dumbbell Extensions, Biceps/Seated Dumbbell Curls

Tomorrow is a rest day for the muscles... Running and maybe some easing into tae bo! I'm excited!!!

Got those hip x-rays today... let's see what the Dr. says later this week.
You know, This HoLiDaY cheating thing is starting to tick me off!!! NO tamale or cookie is worth seeing that scale mess with my downward weight spiral!!! I'm thinking that the 'cheating' days are over!!! At least until I see MY ideal weight on that scale... Went up 2/3 pounds since my initial 8 and 1/2 lb weight loss. And I just ain't havin' it! My 5/6 days a week of pushing through work outs to see and feel a difference, are just too much work to disrespect on a whim.

Already had three servings of water today and a brunch protein shake w/my vitamins.

Now it's time to hit the Insanity routine... 'Cardio Recovery' + Day 1 of the body-for-life program... upper body weights!!!! Yeah!!!!!! NOW it's ALL going to come together for ReaL change! I'll post how it goes later tonight. o_O

Sunday, December 18, 2011

So... HeLLo HoliDays!!! Ha! Had my families gathering on Saturday and did not get a workout in. Also cheated on the whole 'diet' thing; but on the bright side... I did eat two healthy meals. One before the 3 or four tamales. Not to mention 3 or 4 glasses of sweet, sweet wine and a handful of cookies. And one after. Had quite a bit of water though... And then back to the healthy eating for fuel today, Sunday. Already had Two slices of whole wheat bread w/beans and grilled chicken and the 2nd meal was a whole wheat, lean ham sandwich with lite mayo and 1/2 an avocado. Next meal is going to be good 'ol homemade chicken stir fry w/no carbs. (hopefully) =D

And... a yes, no work out... I missed my run... starting up again tomorrow with some Insanity. I can't let that go. All of my cloths is fitting so well and ladies... I am on my second/middle notch on my bra instead of the last one out!!!! And THAT is starting to feel a little loose... So, "Get Fit or Go Home!" ;)

Friday, December 16, 2011

************ pinche Lydia ********** ;)

No new comers 'eh??? Come on!! Let's create a challenge for you and then take the bulls by the horn! ;) I'm ready when any of you are!!! BUT I do ask that before you start any kind of work out you get okayed by your physician so make your appointment first and then we'll choose your work out regimen to ask about.

Happy Holidays People!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Welcome to the flip side Sean, Sonya, Sylisa and Darlene!!!

Just a wrap up on the dinner that I had today... tuna, brown rice and small helping of lettuce and baby carrots!!! Ahhh, yes and some more water.... ;)

Any one need to go over how to begin a program??? Need to know how many calories to take in for weight loss or gain??? Let me know peeps... I'm here.
Ran almost 4 miles today at my usual 10 minute pace. Finally getting back on the ball with my running and it feels good! I am hoping to run further and stay at about the same pace next week.

The scale is actually now becoming my BeSt friend recently. Who'd have EVER thought??? I know that you are not supposed to weigh yourself every day; but the results of all of the hard work and extra efforts are too good to not check on a daily basis!! Today marks the 4th day of incorporating the Insanity program with my running AND the healthy eating routine from the 'body-for-life' philosophy. 4TH DAY people... and I have shed 8 1/2 pounds !!!! THAT is InSaNe...

Next week it will go like this:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday, I will do my runs and come back and hit TaeBo or HipHopAbs
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday, I will stick to the Insanity program 30/40 minute routines and then start the body-for-life weight training.

All the while, staying on the eating for energy concept...

I can NOT wait to see what happens!

Todays Diet:
6 servings of water and I will be getting at least another 3 in before bed.
Had a veggie bowl @ Chipotle but stayed w/the white rice and had sour cream AND cheese :/
I'm about to have some tuna with whole wheat bread and a small salad.
And for dinner??? I have no idea.... Lol... But I WILL behave! ;)

Darlene, thank you for sharing more details on the hurdles that you are fighting to jump for your Victory in the end!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

******************* Pinche Lydia! ***************************************** ;) *********

You're NOT going to believe this! Today... my new friend took back a total of "5" ... YES... "5" whole pounds!!! There are no words to describe how aMaZeD I am...

The work out almost did not happen. I woke up with a headache and felt drained. It was a tough decision but I am ultimately glad that I pushed through. Did day two of the Insanity program, Plyometric Cardio Circuit and it was rough but got all the way through it. Got as far in as some of the in-out abs from the plank position and just couldn't handle the throbbing head for the last two sets of the basketball drills. Last time I attempted this work out, I couldn't get through any of the b.b. drills... today, I did 2 of them. So, there IS progress being made!! Then I was able to excel with the rest of the routine. I have to admit. I am pleased. Even though the progress is not astronomical right now. I know that how hard I am pushing IS changing my body over all.

Diet today was another success... Got a whole 10 servings of water in throughout the day. Popped my vitamins. Had a protein shake for breakfast, a grilled chicken breast w/brown rice and a few baby carrots (raw) for lunch. Dinner was a pretty hefty portion of more brown rice and some lean ground beef medley w/potatoes.

I was kinda' hungry this evening so, I might have some trail mix or a banana for a late snack.
=) BYE-BYE fat and low-energy!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ran a bit over 3 miles today. Really revved it up, usually a good pace for me is a 10 minute miles for that kind of run but today I was averaging about a 9 1/2 minute pace. I felt it and tossed my cookies on some ones lawn. :/ But it's good to push yourself right?!

Had a protein shake for breakfast, Meal#2 was an egg white w/a whole wheat slice of bread, Meal #3 was baby spinach w/bit o' dressing and small chicken breast w/white rice and my BiG meal #4 was some steamed brown rice w/lean ground beef and potatoes. Nine 8oz. servings of water and my vitamins.

Oh yeah, my darn left hip is still an issue as is my left shoulder. But Thank God for Dr. Tony!!! Went for an adjustment and some therapy. Also going to have some x-rays taken of the 'ol hip later this week. We'll see what the heck is trying to get in my way of reaching my goals now.

Finally lost 3 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS iS about as BIG as my getting thru the damn Insanity Fit test this week!!!!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Started the program all over and it was an AmAzInG day!!!! :) Got thru the fitness test!!!! ALL of it... Could not have asked for much more at this point. Work out lasted about 30 min and I actually could have gone for more... I'm thinking of incorporating my 'Body-For-Life' program. Just going to take it slow and get thru this new week of Insanity w/running. By next week I hope to alternate Insanity w/weight training on one day and cross train w/running and tae bo or HipHop Abs on the other. Can't imagine going wrong with that. And I will be doing all of the things that I love.

Just look at the improvement after 9 days of working out with 4/5 days of rest (should have only been 2) ...

1st attempt @ Fitness Test / Today's VICTORY w/Fitness Test
-------------------------------- / ----------------------------------------
Switch Kicks: 58 (single legs) / 120 (single legs)
Power Jacks: 50 / 50
Power Knees: 80(lft leg) 82(rt leg) / 90(lft leg) 89(rt leg)
Power Jumps: 25 / 35
Globe Jumps: 0 / 10 (rotations of 4 moves)
Suicide Jumps: 0 / 15 (w/no jumps in between)
Push-up Jacks: 0 / 30 (mini push-ups/can't get all the way down)
Plank Crunch: 0 / 65 (single legs)

WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! NOT a complete FaiL this time around!!!

And now, to improve on what we've built!

Oh, yeah... diet today:
9/12 servings of water, breakfast protein shake, 1 egg white w/plain whole wheat toast for lunch and another egg white w/plain whole wheat toast for dinner(couldn't get the second one down for lunch) LmAo!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Today was another good day! Got a 3 mile run in, in 30 min and hydrated well.

Yogurt and cottage cheese for breakfast, tiny portion of some cashew chicken for lunch and grilled chicken breast w/rice and mixed veggies for dinner. Probably going to have some trail mix for a snack later. Or a small bowl of a healthy cereal.

Looking forward to another run tomorrow....

Friday, December 9, 2011

So... A couple things today

If any one should need or want the formula to figure out what your Daily Caloric Need is to Lose OR Gain Weight... Just let me know... I got it out of the program info for Women and Men alike.

And... I am a bit embarrassed to say... that in the eagerness to begin the Insanity program... I failed to do all of my homework on it first and just jumped into the disk that I had acquired... without checking the given schedule. I printed it! But I just assumed that it was in the same order on the disk. :(

Now here I found myself... EIGHT days into the program and not knowing what to do for today and tomorrow. Final decision: I went ahead and did one of the tougher first work outs,(Day#2 Plyometric Cardio Circuit) I HaVe been missing my running as well. So, Tomorrow and Sunday are going to be a kick back into running weekend. Then I will begin the Iprogram all over again on Monday.

This time around however, I may just be more relaxed about the program part and alternate the kick ass routines with running. We'll have to see where that gets me.

Any thoughts??? Still have time to reconsider the whole thing... :/

Todays work out notes... Made it through 35 min this time... took longer breaks here and there.
Ears poppin', head throbbing and felt bit unstable by the basketball drills. I was able to cut and paste the rest of the routine according to how I felt. But got through it...
Diet Notes... Special K for breakfast, protein shake for lunch with my vitamins and pasta and chicken parmesan for dinner. About the usual 6 servings of water too.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Got Day 7 done and I have to admit... This Recuperate week is feeling great! Today's Core Cardio& Balance was tough and yet... Not!

On the hip flexor/abs, I just could not get through the 'extensions' and I started to get dizzy w/the plie/arm exercises! Then I had to cut down the cool down stretching. Had to go do some Mommy things...

Feels so good that I am fearing the following week to come... :/

Water has been over 6 servings and breakfast was cottage cheese and yogurt... Lunch was half a gyro platter... Dinner was 2 chicken breasts w/Mrs.dash fried in Pam, pasta and mixed veggies!!

Great day!! How was your day Darlene? Cristy? Sam? Sylvia? AnyBody?? Lol...
What happened today? LiFe!! That's what happened... No work out, spent the day catching up with family that is back in my life. And that's ok. Tomorrow.... I'm gonna' KiLL my work out!

Took in about 6 helpings of water throughout the day.

Had a bit of trail mix for breakfast, a 6in sub for lunch and chicken parmasian with pasta for dinner....
Not a great diet, but I got some calories in for the day... Gotta' keep working to make it a better source of calorie intake! :/

Monday, December 5, 2011

Said and done... Day #6 is out of the way. Cardio Abs!!! I'm not going to lie... I was a little scared. Turns out... with some modifications on some of the moves... I got through the whole routine and almost felt that I needed more. I did however get a good sweat on. This work out was about a 16 minute routine. Thank GoD!

Weighed in and I am NOT pleased! Looks like the junk that I ate over the weekend is just sitting there. :/ Hopefully I will be more mindful of what I take in next weekend, fight on or not... football game on or not... Lol...

Tally thus far... 3/3! Hard time with the first three work outs last week and got thru three pretty well... lets see what THIS week brings.

Any one having trouble staying on track??? What helps you get motivated on a tough day?
Took the WholE weekend off... smh... Might just be the way it's going to be for me. Five days a week making sure to hit the Insanity program is just going to have to be enough.

Already had 5 servings of water and three regular pancakes w/skim milk for brunch. Looking to make lunch light and have a good amount of energetic fuel for dinner. Probably a protein shake with berries for lunch.

Gotta' get motivated to turn on that Day#6 work out!!! Hmmmm....

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Took today as my rest day... I will start up again tomorrow with routine for Day #6.

Had only 3 servings of water... 2 scrambled eggs with ham and five or six mini pancakes for breakfast and less than 1/2 a combo for lunch with diet pop for lunch. Dinner??? Probably going to be a small bowl of special k cereal w/low fat milk.

And maybe I'll work at getting a couple more helpings of water. Just wasn't feelin' it today. Couldn't get motivated to kick ass... kinda' felt like I had had MY butt beat. :/

Tomorrow brings with it... new promise!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day #5 and got through work out for the second time. Didn't get to hit it as hard as I would have wanted to but that only means that there is room for improvement! Totally skipped the suicide jumps due to heart rate symptoms... can't take lowering my head much when my heart rate is elevated. Did some of the Push-up jacks and 1/2 of the frog jumps. aside from that, I lasted the 38 minutes.

Darlene... How long are your work outs and what is your secret to get through them???

Diet was good... had my 6 helpings of water throughout the day and had a protein shake for breakfast. Lunch was a good sized helping of Chinese food and dinner will be a couple of chicken tostadas.

One more 'Insane' work out tomorrow and then a rest day!!!!!! Yay!!!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I got threw a WHOLE Insanity workout out!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!! =D Thank GoD for the Cardio Recovery Day!!!!! Controlled Kick Ass Motion!!!!! Yeah!!!

4 more glasses of water down and a light EaRlY supper... pot roast, white rice and potatoes n' carrots... VERY tempted to enjoy seconds cause it was GOOOD but I didn't! Good Day... finally... a good day!!! And to think... i wasn't even going to work out cause I was sooooo damn sore.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Welcome One and ALL!!! Going to have to sign out I think to view the comment given for today...
But first... I shall finish the daily log:

Had my eight servings of water!! And wrapped up the evening with a bowl of Special K... Going to try to hit the sack before midnight, lets see how it goes.

Program Day 3 was good.. finally got smart and logged the actual minutes from a clock! (not from that damn bar on the screen that makes NO sense to me EvEr) Lol...

Completed 30 minutes today! Increasing, I am... Have a very detailed log of where I stopped for breaks and all of the extra rests... Need to try to keep my heart rate under control. (May need to invest in a monitor for the work outs)

Funny facts: Even the warm ups are getting tougher!!! AND I Love the stretching session between warm up and work out. It seems to be when I get the most sweating done.

3 days down... JuSt 57 more days to go!
Tuesday was a good day... Couldn't decide if I should go forward with the Insanity program or keep at the damn base line fitness test until I could get through it all...

Went for it! It is totally doing a number on me but that is a good thing. Hoping to see some good changes soon. The plan as of now is to incorporate my running after a week or two of Insanity. I want the cardio, the strength and the stress relief! Day #2 was tough but I got through 25 min. of it.

Got 4 water bottles in = about 8 servings!!! Finally! Maybe keeping hydrated will help me feel better for the work outs.

Diet was eh... had 1/2 a combo sandwich with 1/2 an order of fries for 1st meal @ about noon. And then 4 light topped tostadas with a small helping of spanish red rice in the evening @ about 7. Not a great meal plan but had some energy source and low fat for the day...

Today,(Wed) I have not worked out yet... but already have three water bottles down, first meal in the a.m. was cottage cheese and yogurt, snacked on trail mix late a.m., and had a banana with a glass of fat free milk and my vitamins... THiS day seems to be on track for a successful one.

Still trying to get more life lines involved with the blog... there seems to be plenty of people in my life that want to make change happen. Really wish they would join me in this endeavor; I just think that we would really be able to make a difference in one another's hurdle jumping. And keep it from overloading face book. Some people may not care to see a step by step journey of this nature everyday. Well, the invites are there... here's hoping to cross this finish line with many others!!! =)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Finally started the 'Insanity' workout program!!! 60 Days from today... I will have gotten MUCH closer to my goal! Only lasted 13 minutes and 21 seconds past the warm up but hey, a start is a start. Look on the bright side... There is a lot of room for improvement! Weighed in and took all the important measurements.

Took in 6 servings of water, started back on vitamins and ate sensibly. Breakfast burrito and skim chocolate milk and 2 hot dogs with a helping of buttered pasta. Okay... Maybe the diet for the day needs some work. :P

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Funny how all kinds of things in LiFe just always seem to get in the way of making a change in your life for a healthier and stronger you. Gotta' admit, being that it's ThanksGiving week... ISN'T much help... and then, of course, the HoLiDaYs are among us.

NO excuses... if you've prepped and are stoked about what you are going to achieve in the next few months... do yourself a great big favor and carry on. Any movement forward is great progress!!!

I am still not up to par, but I AM VeRy aware of what I am or am not eating... There is a conscious effort to increase my water intake with sipping a water bottle throughout the day or sipping caffeine/sugar free teas... AND I have finally started to run a bit more. I'll get that Body-For-Life down before the end of this year along with the Insanity program and an agendaof runs for '2012'!

So.... I cannot complain. I WILL make change happen for a happier ME!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NoT a good week. Didn't even get to start my Insanity/Body-For-Life/Get out n' Run More program!!! Have a call into my TnT coach/trainer to get some information about my feet still feeling Bruised and swollen after the Marathon on 10/09. :/

Had a good day or two last week b4 my Hot Chocolate 5K run diet wise and then it's been all over the place. Finding it real hard to take in the appropriate water day in day out and just don't feel motivated. I'm guessing that I just wish that there was more of a following/sharing on the blog to make me more accountable.

Gotta' get over it!!! Scored a descent 5K time considering that I am NOT getting out much more than twice a week to run, if I'm lucky. (28 min for 3.25 miles) Eh'... I can't say that I mind that final outcome thus far. It's really hard to start getting faster on short runs when you have been training for half a year to pace slower to last on longer runs.... o_O Lol...

Ok... screw this start Monday thing!!! Tomorrow is Wednesday and I want to get out for a 30 min jog AnD get my first insanity training logged in! Really need to stick to the small balanced meals and kick more veggies into the menu! Water, water, water!!! Early day means early night tonight! Make it happen, I must.

This can be the "Pre-Program" test run.... Hummm, Let's see how this turns out.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ok... today I chose to show my baby girl how to bake grandma's apple pies!!! So much for the run... :/ It's 2 in the afternoon and I haven't eaten a thing... THIS has to change for what I have planned to begin next week!!! For now, tryin' to hydrate more and enjoy hot teas and/or hot water w/lemon juice to cleanse... started the daily vitamins and have to start grazing on the simple carb/protein diet... and try to incorporate some fruits and veggies. ALL just to get started!!! PLANNING is key!!! Have to have the right foods in the house and a schedule of exercise to follow for the week. Keep a journal!!! Of both your food/drink intake AND what physical endeavor was done for the day. Gotta' have it ready for MONDAY the 7TH! Rest day is Sunday and ALL DAY eat whatever you want and as much of whatever you want!!!! This diet to follow is supposed to be 6 small healthy meals a day, 6 days a week but I can usually only get 3 or 4 if I'm lucky... And I usually just eat whatever the familia is eating for dinners, even pizza... just that it has to be in moderation once the plan is started. I just feel that it is important to keep things real! Most of the time... I don't want to eat crap anyway or much of it. It's all a mind set more than anything...

Best of luck on preping and I'll check in once again tonight in case there are any questions or more insight on what people's goals are...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Welcome 'WhitemanSam'... Lol...
First and foremost, You do have it made since you have that quick metabolism! And as for the foundation on my train of thought... well as long as you basically eat for energy, then the times that you eat for pleasure (and all wrong) is alright. Because you tend not to do it much once you change your way of thinking about food.
Personally, you may be good starting a program like 'Insanity' or weights... Idk... what are your fitness goals? Let me know and tomorrow, I'll share a bit more on what I'm going to try to accomplish.
1st of the Month!!!! And I'm not starting the new exercise plan until Monday the 7TH!!! Too much candy and Pizza yesterday... Yes, we're OnLy human! Tomorrow... gotta' get out for a run AND drink lots of water!!!!!! Hopefully by Monday, we'll have some decent conversations! Lol...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Not such a good day today... too busy so ate a small bowl of Special K @ 3pm and then a chicken breast n' pasta dish with a slice of apple pie for dessert and a glass of milk. Not one single glass of water... ugh Pretty sore from the jog and strength training yesterday, so tomorrow.... Out for a bit of a longer run and more strength training. Gotta' hit that water all day and some hot tea!

If anyone wants to join me and get started with a plan that'll work for you... feel free to become a member and ask away. This is where together, we can make change happen.

P.s. weigh in coming up next week to get it started... o_O

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WoW!!! A whole year later and although it may seem as if I have given up on a healthy and happy life style... I ran FouR events in 2011 and I am about to run a small fifth one!! Got a bucket list item out of the way while accomplishing these events; ran a Marathon for a second time IN My hometown BeFoRe I turned 40 aNd beat my original time from when I was 5yrs younger and only had the 5 kids... I guess, I can't complain.

Now... I want to get smaller and stronger... yesterday I started the body for life diet outlook and the Yoga for life ethic of flushing my system by drinking HoT water frequently. Also got out for my first run since the marathon on 10/09. Just a little 1.5 mile run but with my hip, glute, achilles tendon and some nerve issues in both feet still being a hastle... I am happy that I got a run in at all before the 27 days post race rest ideal.

Tomorrow, more detailed logging of the new eating habits and the exercise plan will follow.

Interested??? Follow me in my journey and see change happen as days pass by... One step at a time!