Slightly high blood pressure, rapid pulse and other little symptoms have come up in the last month that needed tending.
"Get better organized."
Fact: When everything and everyone matters a great deal to any ONE person, there is an App missing to cover the amount of organization and detail needed.
"Where there is a will; there is always a way."
Fact: Damn right! ...but be prepared to have a 12 round fight with life itself! Cause it WON'T be easy.
"Meditate and find a way to relax more."
Fact: When you have a BIG family, (including the husband ;) and are involved in EVERY intricate part of their lives along with being an Entrepreneur, there comes a point where relaxation and meditation are just NOT easy to come by.
"Put yourself in God's hands and let him take the wheel."
Fact: No matter how much your mind and soul agree with this AND comply full hearted; the body may just not be willing to cooperate.
These are ALL quotes which I consistently stand behind and pretty much live by.
That having been disclosed...
(Along with the fact that I go out of my way continuously to try and live life without being selfish or self centered) ...cause THAT'S how my God and my Momma teach me to strive to be.
"ME FIRST!" the quote of the day from now on since my body gives me no other real choice.
I HAVE to listen to it... My prayer, meditating, exercising and fueling HAS to get done to be able to help Change the World.
Yes, I know. I AM a Dreamer... But only through dreaming it, visualizing it and believing it can it actually become a reality.
Start here first and see the endless ways that you can leave your imprint in this life.