And... we hit a plateau...
Just shaved some ounces off since yesterday. Interesting stuff!! The energy however is HUGE!!! I have boost in me to last my WHOLE day!!! I had heard about this toward the end of the 7 days but it's... okay, day 5. Wow!! I can't believe that I'm almost done. It really hasn't been that bad. I mean, at times, yes but for the most part, I have been able to keep from eating one of the kids chocolates, a buttery noodle, a warm tortilla with some sour cream and salt, a lean steak in a tomato sauce with potatoes or a cookie from the pack. Today was tough frying that bacon for the boys in the a.m. and not nibbling on a piece... Lol
Today, we will give that 4 min circuit another go. More calories burned than enter the body is the idea!! Let's see how it goes... o_O
So... any great ideas on how YOU'RE going to get to the New Year looking and feeling better than in 2012?! I mean, you can pay to get a make over that will last a couple days at most if your lucky. Or you can start YOUR make over TODAY that will last a lifetime!!
T.G.I.F. bloggers!! ;)
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The detox is on Day 4 of 7 and I am down a full 7 lbs from the start. I am finally getting in the 5 meal sets of veggies in a day and I am downing 96oz (+ the morning cup of hot water with lemon) of water a day. Also sticking to my light yoga and stretching for the week, included getting some roller work into my regimen for healthier muscles too.
I really did NOT think that the detox week would equal this kind of rapid weight loss... and I am working hard at making sure that I get all the right servings of veggies in. But keep in mind that this week is not to lose crazy amounts of weight!! It is meant to gently purge the body of impurities, relieve the body's dependency on sugary/fatty foods and caffeine as well as enhance the body's response to the reintroduction of carbohydrates!!
I have a few clients starting on their detox this upcoming week and some very important and realistic issues have come up.
Should a lifestyle plan be started NOW?! I mean come on, right before the holidays??? Are we actually setting ourselves up to fail and start the NEW YEAR on a failing step?! You know, with the holiday gatherings being on the calendar and the busy non stop running around that goes hand in hand with the 'spirit of Christmas'...
Well, I am here to put things into REALISTIC perspective... When you are DONE being unhappy with your situation, weight wise, health wise or simply quality of life wise AND you have someone offering to take this journey with you step by step to never allow the words FAIL, DIET or LOSE(weight) in your vocabulary; You TAKE that and run with it!!!
There will NEVER be a 'right time' or a 'better time' to jump start your new lifestyle!! It simply doesn't exist... There will ALWAYS be too much going on!! Work schedule is too much, a party is being planned, there are trips that people have to take and finances are just not there for the meal plans/work out regimen/gym memberships/lifestyle programs/coaches/trainers...
I am living proof that if you truly want to live a better way, you can!! There simply is NEVER a better time than the 'RIGHT NOW'!!! And for what it's worth; I have never just been able to afford a personal trainer/much work out gear/gym memberships or programs...
Be real with yourselves and kick all the excuses to the curb!! Start your NEW YEAR feeling amazing because you are ALREADY living better than ever by making the commitment to no one but YOURSELF that you WILL CHANGE FOR LIFE!!
Now if daily inspiration to live well will help you along the way, feel free to like us on facebook @ ChangeForLifeShoppe See you on the flip side! And make it an extraordinary day!!!
I really did NOT think that the detox week would equal this kind of rapid weight loss... and I am working hard at making sure that I get all the right servings of veggies in. But keep in mind that this week is not to lose crazy amounts of weight!! It is meant to gently purge the body of impurities, relieve the body's dependency on sugary/fatty foods and caffeine as well as enhance the body's response to the reintroduction of carbohydrates!!
I have a few clients starting on their detox this upcoming week and some very important and realistic issues have come up.
Should a lifestyle plan be started NOW?! I mean come on, right before the holidays??? Are we actually setting ourselves up to fail and start the NEW YEAR on a failing step?! You know, with the holiday gatherings being on the calendar and the busy non stop running around that goes hand in hand with the 'spirit of Christmas'...
Well, I am here to put things into REALISTIC perspective... When you are DONE being unhappy with your situation, weight wise, health wise or simply quality of life wise AND you have someone offering to take this journey with you step by step to never allow the words FAIL, DIET or LOSE(weight) in your vocabulary; You TAKE that and run with it!!!
There will NEVER be a 'right time' or a 'better time' to jump start your new lifestyle!! It simply doesn't exist... There will ALWAYS be too much going on!! Work schedule is too much, a party is being planned, there are trips that people have to take and finances are just not there for the meal plans/work out regimen/gym memberships/lifestyle programs/coaches/trainers...
I am living proof that if you truly want to live a better way, you can!! There simply is NEVER a better time than the 'RIGHT NOW'!!! And for what it's worth; I have never just been able to afford a personal trainer/much work out gear/gym memberships or programs...
Be real with yourselves and kick all the excuses to the curb!! Start your NEW YEAR feeling amazing because you are ALREADY living better than ever by making the commitment to no one but YOURSELF that you WILL CHANGE FOR LIFE!!
Now if daily inspiration to live well will help you along the way, feel free to like us on facebook @ ChangeForLifeShoppe See you on the flip side! And make it an extraordinary day!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Thank you 'Healthy Hostess' for the great info and possibilities on apps for your phone to help keep the Spinning Globe inspired to get fit and stay there!!!
Motivation of the week in the form of cool fitness apps for your phone!
My Fitness Pal:

Run Keeper:
This is a great app that acts as a Garmin. It keeps pace, distance and a map. You can save runs to a log and post them to various social networks.
Fitness Pro:
Gives you lots of great exercises, workouts and instructions. Keep track of your weight and your reps!
Nike Training Club:
Get lean, toned and strong with more than 85 custom-built workouts. Unlock exclusive extra workouts from celebrities like Lea Michele, professional athletes like Shawn Johnson, and Rihanna’s personal trainer, Ary Nuñez.
Yoga Free:
Yoga Free offers 250 yoga poses with photos and instructions, as well as relaxing music for your practice. You pick the poses and create workouts for yourself or follow one they have created for you!

Motivation of the week in the form of cool fitness apps for your phone!
My Fitness Pal:
With a huge food database you
can easily keep track of your calories and your exercise. It’s easy to
use and simple to understand.
An example from Apple:
Run Keeper:
This is a great app that acts as a Garmin. It keeps pace, distance and a map. You can save runs to a log and post them to various social networks.
Fitness Pro:
Gives you lots of great exercises, workouts and instructions. Keep track of your weight and your reps!
Nike Training Club:
Get lean, toned and strong with more than 85 custom-built workouts. Unlock exclusive extra workouts from celebrities like Lea Michele, professional athletes like Shawn Johnson, and Rihanna’s personal trainer, Ary Nuñez.
Yoga Free:
Yoga Free offers 250 yoga poses with photos and instructions, as well as relaxing music for your practice. You pick the poses and create workouts for yourself or follow one they have created for you!
Today... I cannot believe, that with minimal to NO working out, I have lost a total of 6.8lbs!!!
There was a second attempt to get the 4 minute circuit training in yesterday and apparently, there is good reason for the rules to state that you should not participate in strenuous workouts during your detox week! Lol
Again, your body is purging it's self of impurities AND getting it's dependence on sugars and fats under strict control! You have to respect it enough to stick to light yoga and stretching for the week. And so I shall. I did get ALL 3 meals and two snacks in yesterday but still did not feel right during the mini STRENUOUS work out. :/
Truth be told, I know quite a few people that have detoxed in the past and I just didn't get it; but I do wish that they would have told me about this weight loss!! =D
So, by the end of the week of detox, I should feel a bit more energetic and apparently, lighter on my feet. Ha!
Have an awesome day today bloggers!!! And remember, you have FOUR days to prep to begin a new change of ANY kind next week!! Why? Because you CAN!!! All of us can do something a little bit different to live a healthier and happier life!!
There was a second attempt to get the 4 minute circuit training in yesterday and apparently, there is good reason for the rules to state that you should not participate in strenuous workouts during your detox week! Lol
Again, your body is purging it's self of impurities AND getting it's dependence on sugars and fats under strict control! You have to respect it enough to stick to light yoga and stretching for the week. And so I shall. I did get ALL 3 meals and two snacks in yesterday but still did not feel right during the mini STRENUOUS work out. :/
Truth be told, I know quite a few people that have detoxed in the past and I just didn't get it; but I do wish that they would have told me about this weight loss!! =D
So, by the end of the week of detox, I should feel a bit more energetic and apparently, lighter on my feet. Ha!
Have an awesome day today bloggers!!! And remember, you have FOUR days to prep to begin a new change of ANY kind next week!! Why? Because you CAN!!! All of us can do something a little bit different to live a healthier and happier life!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Well, you'll all be happy to see that today's post really is going to be short. Ha! NOT really much to report, except that I've shed 4.8lbs since my weigh in yesterday morning!!!!
The 4 min circuit work out gave me the spins so today I will be trying to get all three detox meals in AND both detox snacks!!! I am VERY bad at that. Ex: today it is already 11:32am and I am just finishing up my hot water with lemon and working on my first dose of veggies and a fruit. Smh...
So a bit more of the 'right' fuel and I am hoping to feel better w/my circuit. I will keep you all posted.
Also going to try and incorporate a bit of yoga to try and start building a little strength and flexibility with some stress relief. God knows we can ALL use a little bit of that!
Alright, well I sign off today with one last message to convey.
Make it an amazing day my fellow bloggers! =)
The 4 min circuit work out gave me the spins so today I will be trying to get all three detox meals in AND both detox snacks!!! I am VERY bad at that. Ex: today it is already 11:32am and I am just finishing up my hot water with lemon and working on my first dose of veggies and a fruit. Smh...
So a bit more of the 'right' fuel and I am hoping to feel better w/my circuit. I will keep you all posted.
Also going to try and incorporate a bit of yoga to try and start building a little strength and flexibility with some stress relief. God knows we can ALL use a little bit of that!
Alright, well I sign off today with one last message to convey.
Make it an amazing day my fellow bloggers! =)
Monday, December 10, 2012
10 days later... (from my last entry)
Today is my first day of my very first every Detox week!!! I am in training to become a certified weight loss coach within our new Internet marketing company that we've started and I'm loving EVERY aspect of it. At this stage (about 6 months) the business plan is starting to really flourish!!
We signed on our first three TLS (Transitions Lifestyle System) team members over the weekend and my colleague and I jumped on bored!! We are a team now that will be an enormously helpful support group to one another and that will increase our ratio to succeed by leaps and bounds. It is a three month program in which we will NOT be counting calories OR points. This system offers an extensive plan that covers every aspect of what we will need to get fit and trim, not just a list of foods that you cannot eat! TLS will focus on helping us make healthy choices while still eating a normal, diverse diet.
The three CORE concepts of TLS:
Behavior Modification
Low-Glycemic Eating- foods that work for you, not against you-
Changing your Body Composition
(If beginning 2013 with an action plan already in place seems like something that interests you,
take a look... or email me at ;
we are pretty much global)
Why a detox to kick start the program?
Well, a full seven-day NATURAL fruit and vegetable cleanse is designed to gently purge the body of impurities, relieve the body's dependence on sugary foods, enhance the body's response to carbohydrates and help curb your appetite for sweet or fatty foods that don't support your weight loss goals.
Who is it for???
ONLY people who are serious about losing weight and are looking to optimize their start to reach their weight loss goals!
Today's breakfast:
1/2 a lemon squeezed into warm/hot water
1 medium banana
1 small yellow squash and a cup of fresh green beans slow roasted
2 snacks, lunch & dinner:
more fresh veggies(unlimited) only 2 more medium fruits, all the water that I can get in!!
Today's work out:
FouR MinuteS of Circuit Training that includes Squat Thrusts, Mountain Climbers, High Knees and Jumping Jacks w/rest intervals in between and repeat whole circuit once.
Remember, I have to start slow... But my goal is to work out at least 5 days a week.
Let's see what tomorrow brings =)
************* During the detox week, we should NOT engage in strenuous physical activity. (Even If You Are Used To It) **********************************************
Those of you on my email list, please be aware that I will be rotating the list with new emails this week. Please stay motivated!! ... and feel free to book mark our site @ thank you for your interest in staying on track for your healthiest tomorrow!!!
Today is my first day of my very first every Detox week!!! I am in training to become a certified weight loss coach within our new Internet marketing company that we've started and I'm loving EVERY aspect of it. At this stage (about 6 months) the business plan is starting to really flourish!!
We signed on our first three TLS (Transitions Lifestyle System) team members over the weekend and my colleague and I jumped on bored!! We are a team now that will be an enormously helpful support group to one another and that will increase our ratio to succeed by leaps and bounds. It is a three month program in which we will NOT be counting calories OR points. This system offers an extensive plan that covers every aspect of what we will need to get fit and trim, not just a list of foods that you cannot eat! TLS will focus on helping us make healthy choices while still eating a normal, diverse diet.
The three CORE concepts of TLS:
Behavior Modification
Low-Glycemic Eating- foods that work for you, not against you-
Changing your Body Composition
(If beginning 2013 with an action plan already in place seems like something that interests you,
take a look... or email me at ;
we are pretty much global)
Why a detox to kick start the program?
Well, a full seven-day NATURAL fruit and vegetable cleanse is designed to gently purge the body of impurities, relieve the body's dependence on sugary foods, enhance the body's response to carbohydrates and help curb your appetite for sweet or fatty foods that don't support your weight loss goals.
Who is it for???
ONLY people who are serious about losing weight and are looking to optimize their start to reach their weight loss goals!
Today's breakfast:
1/2 a lemon squeezed into warm/hot water
1 medium banana
1 small yellow squash and a cup of fresh green beans slow roasted
2 snacks, lunch & dinner:
more fresh veggies(unlimited) only 2 more medium fruits, all the water that I can get in!!
Today's work out:
FouR MinuteS of Circuit Training that includes Squat Thrusts, Mountain Climbers, High Knees and Jumping Jacks w/rest intervals in between and repeat whole circuit once.
Remember, I have to start slow... But my goal is to work out at least 5 days a week.
Let's see what tomorrow brings =)
************* During the detox week, we should NOT engage in strenuous physical activity. (Even If You Are Used To It) **********************************************
Those of you on my email list, please be aware that I will be rotating the list with new emails this week. Please stay motivated!! ... and feel free to book mark our site @ thank you for your interest in staying on track for your healthiest tomorrow!!!
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