About Me

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The way I see it, the time is NOW... for change to come & happiness, health & strength to be found. As of 2012, this has only changed in the way that I have stumbled upon an amazing at home business venture that has given me the avenue to ACTUALLY help transform peoples lives. Funny thing is, that's been my goal all along. So now I not only share who I am here but what I do. The fact is that anyone of you can actually find your happiness & success thru allowing the right connections to occur in your life. If you are on my blog... you made it here because you are looking to shift, strive, smile &/or change. Well now, I can help guide you to do any & all of the above thru personal motivation, life changing products with an outstanding reputation & LONG list of testimonials, substantial savings with our shopping annuity & incredible business opportunities to actually call your own... While never having to leave the security of your current J O B! Never be afraid to give something you know nothing about a chance; at least to hear about it. Then you can make an educated decision to pass it up not an ignorant one. The opportunities exist.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Today's breakfast... 3/4 of a Big Mac. Blah!!!! Had 5 servings of water and I am just about to get my first GOOD meal of the day in. Lean ground beef and a baked sweet potato. (it's 5pm... :/ )

Got a 4 mile run in though... so that's good. :)

Hoping for a better tomorrow and rest of the week next week.

Happy Weekend all!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

No workout today... :( Gonna' have to make it up and work extra hard tomorrow and Sunday!!!

Had a small bowl of Special K cereal w/skim milk for breakfast... :/
Lunch was two toasted sandwiches with lean ham, salami, beef bologna amd american cheese... :(
Dinner was a bowl of plain pasta w/a homemade lean ground beef w/bell peppers, onions,garlic and tomatoe sauce and three small peices of buttered garlic bread. :'(

NOT such a good day! Dairy, bologna, a.cheese and buttered garlic bread... smh...

At least I hydrated with 7 servings of water and took my vitamins.

Maybe I can squeez in a bit of yoga before bed. Ha!!! Probably not going to happen... but I AM going to try.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

4 and 3/4 lbs away from my target goal!!!!!!! Yeah Baby!!!! I can't believe it!! Now I've upped the anti to a better goal... so 10 lbs to go!!!!! By then everything should be as firm and strong as it's going to get. LmAo! o_O olympic

Had 4 helpings of water already, a banana before the 3.25 mile run in the snow, (that I totally threw up... :'( ) And after the run to the gym, swam laps in the pool for about 15min. ( And was alright walking around in my little bathing suit for the first time in a VeRy LONG time... ) NOT an easy thing, swimming OR liking myself in the suit. My swimming ability SuCKs!!!! Lol... Anyway, came home and took my vitamins with a baked sweet potato and lean ham slices. Going to try a shake @ about 3 or 4 o'clock and then our sensible dinner. ( No Dairy! No Dairy! No Dairy!)

Come on peeps... share your goals, questions, concerns, triumphs. I do hope that you all have that ball rolling in the right direction for a healthier, stronger and happier New Year. =)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So... I keep referring to the gym as 'club', cause THAT's what we called it growing up.... the health club!!! And I feel like such a dork!!! Ha! But anyway... I went to the 'gym' and had my fitness test with a trainer. It was very cool. I loved being challenged. However, I couldn't really be put to much of a test because I broke the #1 rule for working out. I did NOT eat before rushing out to the gym! Bogus!!!! I was tired and chose to sleep in!!! Anyway....

For my age and height my Body Fat % should be @ 24% MaX. My actual B.F. = 29% ... I can't say that makes me upset but now I know what to shoot for in the next couple of months.

I need to knock 9% off of my body fat!!! AnD I am looking to do it in two months or sooner.
(A professional 21 year old trainer is @ 7%... My 22 year old son is @ 8%... o_O Just to give you guys an idea... )

Along with that, I want to increase my cardiovascular endurance by staying an active runner and enjoying some 'Insanity' along the way. Last but in NO way least; I'd like to get my abs in bikini worthy shape and get rid of the week triceps and extra upper back weight. THIS is not going to be easy but like they say... "Nothing worth doing is EvEr easy!!"

Also found out that my eating habits are horrible. (Not that big a surprise..) I seem to be functioning at a low metabolic rate for a lot of my day. Burning muscle tissue instead of fat!! THAT was enlightening!!! That is how important eating the 3/6 small meals a day is.

So, back to the drawing bored for me. I've got to ensure to take in better fuel through out my day.

Had plenty of water so far, about 6 servings already. Ate 3 egg whites with half a large bell pepper and 2 whole wheat slices of bread @ 12/12:30pm and Now... I am about to have 4 slices of lean ham with a sweet potato (as soon as I look up how to prepare that sweet potato on line. =D) And we'll see what dinner will be...

How are your work outs and diet habits changing??? Are you getting enough zzzz's at bed time?? Do you have your fitness goals written down somewhere were you can constantly see them?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Enjoyed some pilates this morning with my 20 yr old daughter at the gym! THAT just blows my mind!!! Lol... Then did some upper body weight machines and I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow.
Gotta' take in EVERY day of this trail membership!

6 helpings of water so far... had a 1/2 a grapefruit for meal #1 and after the gym meal #2 was my shake with a banana and my vitamins. Let's see if I can squeeze two more little meals in. :/

**** How did it go Cristy??? ... day #2 ? Was your diet alright w/out that dairy??? Oh, don't forget to weigh yourself a.s.a.p. to better gage if any of these extra steps work for you. ****

**** Darlene... What specific goals are on your agenda??? Let me know, we don't all have the same ones and it will be interesting to hear all of yours. ****

Monday, January 9, 2012

ALRIGHT peeps!!! Now to try to cover the basics...

If you have been going to the gym for a month straight and you just seem to be spinning your wheels with the whole weight loss thing.... Here is what I have learned by experience:

1) Drop the dairy. A very good personal trainer taught me that. (Make sure that you get your calcium in an alternate fashion!)

2) Work out @ least 4 times a week for good weight loss. (You should try to rest the muscles used the day before, by alternating Lower-Body/Cardio/ Lower Body.) If you're real serious about creating change... it should be more like 6 days.

3) Eat food for FUEL. Look up a chart and mix and match what you like. Get creative. Eat SIX small portion meals a day. (If you need a chart... let me know, and I can help you out.)

4) Hydrate by drinking 8 - 10 8oz. servings of water throughout the day. Your body needs to be hydrated to perform the way that you want it to.

5) Get used to grazing on the right things in small portions. (ex. trail mix, almonds, celery w/lite peanut butter or little fruits.) A lot of fruits are high in sugar so make smart choices... Veggies are pretty safe but keep in mind that there has to be moderation, specially with the high starches like potatoes!

6) If you are going to cheat... it's alright. Make it alright to keep it from becoming a BINGE. So, in essence... cheat on the diet in moderation. (1 to 3 times a week should keep you rolling in the right direction, NO more than 4 times a week!! This INCLUDES alcohol consumption.)

Now, you should ALWAYS check with your doctor before beginning ANY exercise/diet regimen. AND depending on how serious you are about your health and/or your fitness; you are going to have to find the exercise routine that fits YOUR specific needs. Starting out slower than not is best if you haven't been physically active. (If you are having trouble finding the right fitness plan... let me know and we can come up with one together.)

And finally, know from the start that changing your eating habits or the way that you think about food will NOT in any way be easy for most people! It has to be something that you have to understand and come to terms with. You HAVE to be ready and willing to work at making change happen.

Bottom line, anyone can do it! I am doing it and I'm in NO way shape or form a 'Jillian Michaels'!! I am proud of that and of being a regular person that just happened to carry and birth 6 children within 20 years that caused a 50/60lb weight gain EvErY time.

So, if you're serious about getting on with your new life... I am willing to help you stay motivated every step of the way.

Connie Lopez
Had a banana through out the day. Then 3 oreos and finally 2 small slices of cheese pizza for dinner. :/

Going to attempt to strength train at the gym tomorrow and try to get a swim in. It's been a long time... Lol...
Well... Got a run in already and ate a grapefruit before that run. Now, I already had my protein shake and the day is looking good. Also got 4 helpings of h2o in and it's only about to be 1 o'clock!

I love being on a mission!!! =) I'll be back on today to post the rest of the energy intake and I'd like to go over some basics for anyone starting a 'New You' in the New Year!

See you all later on the flip side.....

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Well, thank goodness for my 15 year old! He kicked me into high gear one day early... Went out for a 3 mile run and hit my Best mile times in a long time. Under 9 1/2 minute miles!!!

Hydrated all day with about 8 servings of water, took my vitamins and ate pretty well.

1/2 a grapefruit in the morning. 2nd meal was a protein shake. 3rd meal was two pieces of wheat bread w/2 slices of lean ham and avocado slices. 4th and last meal was a couple lean ground beef tostadas with sour cream, hot sauce and little more avocado. Yay!!! I ate well and I'm as ready as can be to start my kicking butt tomorrow...

We shall see... =)