The 3 Day Military diet WORKS! My husband and I started it on the 25th of July and have shaved lbs. MOSTLY just by following the 3 days on the diet/ 4 days off!
I started @ 1?7/1?8 and today, after a long getaway and some real eating for fun, not so much fuel. Otherwise known as 4 'normal' days... I weighed in at 1?4!!!! Yes, I was down to 1?0 on Saturday morning and gained 4lbs... BUT I am NOW -4lbs.... from my original weight from when I started this Myth Bust!! And for someone who is trying to get the LAST 5/10 lbs off, THAT is Good!
Obviously, you have to find what works right for YOU...
(I )have needed to work harder at making sure to eat 'normally' and the portions are not usually BIG ones...
(My husband) has needed to make sure NOT to ALWAYS eat the wrong stuff and has to control his portions a bit more.
Funny thing is... he is finding that he frequently WANTS more of the good food on the 'normal' eating days but is too full to eat like he was used to!!!
AND that IS a good thing!!!!
He is -5 1/2lbs from the beginning with almost no working out and his eating habits are changing for the better!!!
Have a great day today folks, and know that everything that you go out of your way to do for your health and happiness IS worth a fight!!