About Me

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The way I see it, the time is NOW... for change to come & happiness, health & strength to be found. As of 2012, this has only changed in the way that I have stumbled upon an amazing at home business venture that has given me the avenue to ACTUALLY help transform peoples lives. Funny thing is, that's been my goal all along. So now I not only share who I am here but what I do. The fact is that anyone of you can actually find your happiness & success thru allowing the right connections to occur in your life. If you are on my blog... you made it here because you are looking to shift, strive, smile &/or change. Well now, I can help guide you to do any & all of the above thru personal motivation, life changing products with an outstanding reputation & LONG list of testimonials, substantial savings with our shopping annuity & incredible business opportunities to actually call your own... While never having to leave the security of your current J O B! Never be afraid to give something you know nothing about a chance; at least to hear about it. Then you can make an educated decision to pass it up not an ignorant one. The opportunities exist.

Friday, January 27, 2012

As per my hubby... (that refuses to blog with me... ) Lol...

‎...for your blog. The Top 10 Health Benefits of Kissing...

Have been documented in medical studies offering amazing advantages for a long and healthy life.

* Those who kiss their partner goodbye each morning live five years longer than those who don’t.
* Kissing is great for self-esteem. It makes you feel appreciated and helps your state of mind.
* Kissing burns calories, 2-3 calories a minute and can double your metabolic rate. Research claims that three passionate kisses a day (at least lasting 20 seconds each) will cause you to loose an entire extra pound! It's time to start that kissing diet!
* Kissing is a known stress-reliever. Passionate kissing relieves tension, reduces negative energy and produces a sense of well being, lowering your cortisol ‘stress’ hormone.
* Kissing uses 30 facial muscles and it helps keep the facial muscles tight, preventing baggy cheeks! The tension in the muscles caused by a passionate kiss helps smooth the skin and increases the circulation.
* Kissing is good for the heart, as it creates an adrenaline which causes your heart to pump more blood around your body. Frequent kissing has scientifically been proven to stabilize cardiovascular activity, decrease blood pressure and cholesterol.
* Those who kiss quite frequently are less likely to suffer from stomach, bladder and blood infections.
* During a kiss, natural antibiotics are secreted in the saliva. Also, the saliva contains a type of anesthetic that helps relieve pain.
* Kissing reduces anxiety and stops the 'noise' in your mind. It increases the levels of oxytocin, an extremely calming hormone that produces a feeling of peace.
* The endorphins produced by kissing are 200 times more powerful than morphine.

So enjoy the helpful information fellow life time achievers!  =)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm NoT going to lie... today was another tough day. But thanks to all of my supportive kiddos, I got through it with success.

Meal #1 small bowl of  dry flax seed cereal. Meal #2 five small chicken meatballs. Meal #3 a banana. Meal #4 white rice w/lima beans and 2 tostadas w/pinto beans, sour cream, and hot sauce.

Hydrated well, with approximately 8 servings of water and had my vitamins.

The work out that almost didn't happen, DiD!! My 15 year old had three ab exercises to share with me and I passed 200 seconds planking. (That made me happy) Did a little tae bo boxing for the arms and finished off with resistance bands for my arms in a hoodie for bonus sweat!

Gotta' love my support system. They are amazing and they are always willing to push me to my limits... <3

Oli... If you get on here. Good luck with your new lifestyle! And remember that no matter what your days turn out to be like, success is a state of mind and perseverance!! You can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. Hope to catch you on here for some good motivational ups!! ;)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Alrighty then... today my eating faltered, yet again!!! It's sooooo hard!!!! On a good note though...  I ran 1.75 miles TO the gym, worked out for a bit and stretched and then ran another 1.75 miles back home. (well, I bounced off of the cement .5 of that mile) Lol...

Had an egg white w/ a whole wheat piece of bread for breakfast. Had some pad tai chicken n' veggies for lunch. A baked sweet potato for dinner and a protein shake for a late snack now. o_O

Whatever... I know!!! Needs work... all of it!!! Oh, and I did get to hydrate real well all day about 9 servings of water through out the day.

Let's see what tomorrow has in store for me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Went to the gym today courtesy of my baby Dave. Had a program designed for MY needs and I am hoping to start kicking a** now! The trainer was great and had a lot of good information to share. Hopefully, he will join in on our little blog soon... Do you know why that would be cool??? He is an official trainer for "The Biggest Loser" !! Yes peeps... NOW will you all share a little more on here so that you can possibly get some professional tips? Lol... (Thanks for your help today Victor!!)

Ran 3 miles and learned some circuit exercises to make a difference in time. It's been a good day.

Hydrating well today too... but I've really got to work on bettering my eating habits! Had a couple egg whites with 2 slices of whole wheat bread for breakfast but it's already almost 3pm and I haven't even got a clue what I am going to eat. :( Blah!!!!! 

Monday, January 23, 2012

I guess my train totally got 'derailled"!!! Well... it'll be a new day tomorrow and I  am pretty upset that I have single handedly retrieved 'the little muffin top' ... IN 4/5 days!!!! UGH!!

Hell to the no!! Gotta' motivate myself to enjoy life again and challenge myself physically on a daily basis. Why you ask?! ... because I CAN! ( and I rather like it... Lol...)

The new day will begin early and with a better fueling routine. Back to the true hydration process and kick diary to the curb. ( ... along with grease and unnecessary carbs and sweets)

Rest tonight too... estimated bed time... Midnight.