About Me

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The way I see it, the time is NOW... for change to come & happiness, health & strength to be found. As of 2012, this has only changed in the way that I have stumbled upon an amazing at home business venture that has given me the avenue to ACTUALLY help transform peoples lives. Funny thing is, that's been my goal all along. So now I not only share who I am here but what I do. The fact is that anyone of you can actually find your happiness & success thru allowing the right connections to occur in your life. If you are on my blog... you made it here because you are looking to shift, strive, smile &/or change. Well now, I can help guide you to do any & all of the above thru personal motivation, life changing products with an outstanding reputation & LONG list of testimonials, substantial savings with our shopping annuity & incredible business opportunities to actually call your own... While never having to leave the security of your current J O B! Never be afraid to give something you know nothing about a chance; at least to hear about it. Then you can make an educated decision to pass it up not an ignorant one. The opportunities exist.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

It's all about the cookies...

Saturday night... And the inspiration to blog ignites!

Thank you dear 22 year old daughter of mine! 

She left me a magazine that I had never heard of on the mantel on her last visit... 

There was an article there that she thought I might enjoy. I took the time to read it now and found that she was quite right. Lol

The big topic in the article well let me just quote it, "Must everything be a competition with you?"

I love it!!! The answer to that was simply, "yes- completely, thoroughly and emphatically YES."

And it got me to thinking... Is that wrong?!?! I mean, I've always been a competitor and have grown up now to still compete with MYSELF a lot. Was my life of competitive sports a good thing or a bad thing?! 

You ask yourself that. Is it bad to want to look and feel healthier? Is it vain to need to be comfortable and confidant in your own skin?

I get it... Maybe I do take it too damn far. I have become VERY difficult to please. Ha!! 

But really...
I thrive in trying new things, expecting more from myself and finding ways to expand my Will power. 

Not paying and signing up for a single running event this past year, not buying pool passes this past summer, not needing to upkeep my dark hair color, not eating anything that wasn't put on this Earth by God are amoung the few challenges that I have taken on this year. 

Amoung the last ones have been the rhino challenge to go 365 days without 'yelling' at my kids and the getting $ in the door without leaving my home to work at making someone else rich. 
Been doing pretty good with those. (I'm big on discipline so there has been some 'raising' my voice going on and I think maybe dropping the ball about 3 times with a yell caught half way in about 3 wks of the challenge and tapered down)
SEE?!?! already bettering me as a mom and a person. Cursing is going to have to be a challenge that I really prepare mentally for. I love my bad words... Smh... O_o
And I'm already bringing in an average part time salary a month being my own boss. :)

So in essence, I agree with the article. Striving to become better, do more, be stronger, be faster is a positive way to live. I believe that we SHOULD constantly play a game of proving to ourselves, (and others) that we can do something, even if we don't necessarily 'believe' it at first ourselves. (LIKE CROSSFITTING AT AGE 41 after SIX KIDS) o_O

It's not a bad thing. No matter what others may think or say. "Whether on the track, in the kitchen or just within our brain, competition forces us out of our comfort zone, into the unknown where the magic happens. When a victory finally does occur, well, it's pretty sweet. Tastes like cookies, as a matter of fact." 

Just a different kind if cookie one that NO MONEY can buy and NO ONE can ever belittle or take away.  :')

Friday, September 27, 2013

What is YOUR weekend going to prepare you for?!

Weekends ARE the best when work is on the weekdays huh?

I am lucky enough to create my work schedule around my life whether it's a week day or weekend... so to me, there is a constant journey to better my everyday. I LOVE that...

When people ask me how many hours I give to my work, I can't even come up with an estimate. If I don't have a hectic week of errands, sports activities and family gatherings; I make it a point to be at my computer or make it to educational corings and business meetings. If it's a CrazY week, not much gets onto Instagram, FaceBook, YouTube, LinkIn, Twitter and this Blog (and I'm a bit more M.I.A.)... Sticking mostly to emails, texts and calls. But the amazing thing is that my work is my life at this point. I share thru connections with everyone.

So, I can do in 15/20 hrs what a 40/50 hr work week would encompass. As for the fulfillment that I get with the relationships that I am blessed with... well that is still unbelievable to me.

Today I hand over a little pep to a coaches step. I see a dear friend to meet her very first grandchild and go over her and her husband's new health & wellness regimen... And yesterday, I watched as a beautiful friend glowed and shimmered as she served our sons football team pasta, due to her efforts and my coaching and weight loss aids (ALREADY looking and feeling slimmer, more energetic and healthier after ONLY 3 DAYS) And Early in the day yesterday , I was fortunate enough to unite with the eldest in our family to begin implementing an out reach program for his current client base to ensure that our Isotonix line is available to all wanting and needing better health thru our Exclusive products that offer the fastest and most efficient delivery system of nutritional supplements on the market to date.

How do I place a time limit on that kind of 'work'?! I'm really just sharing, living, helping and enjoying my family, my friends and anyone else looking for information for getting to a healthier, stronger and happier tomorrow. I feel that I have gotten to a good place in life and it's so much more fun to help others get there too. :')

Wrapping things up, it's FRIDAY!!! What are YOUR plans? Chill and sit on the coach watching movies all weekend long??? (Although, I agree with that once in a while...)
DON'T WASTE IT AWAY!!!! Get up and move... go for a walk/run/hike/bicycle ride! Shop for a new 'healthier' meal plan for the upcoming week and cook away a day to be prepared for a wonderful week!!! Call a good friend from the past... Go visit a family member that you haven't connected with much lately. 

Live well my bloggers and don't hesitate to make a change, you will never know what you are truly capable of until you try something you've never done.   =)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

When people matter most...

Hey bloggers, it's 'Thriving Thursday' on our ChangeForLifeShoppe Facebook page and so it shall be on the blog too!!!

Signed on a new business partner for the good 'ol HOME BASED business and they are ready to share what they have with their friends, family and current customer base! Together we are going to make a BiG dent in creating a healthier, stronger and happier World! Very proud of their inniciative to join us in our Passion!!! Congratulations Crystal Optical on Fullerton Ave in our beloved Chi-Town!! 

That's it people... I am stoked to share our growth and ability to share the gifts that we have for ourselves deemed to be true! 

The next step is cultivating knowledge and mind sets of what we are on a mission to achieve together!
THAT'LL be easy since they've already known success when they've reached it...

 Thrive Today Bloggers! Find a way.

Our new ads on the right hand side are MANY times our 
partner stores! 
1)Jump onto our site.
2)Create/Log into your FREE personal profile.
3)Visit any/ad on here store thru us & receive CashBack!

Contact me...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today, it's a little business

I know that skepticism is out there...
I understand that holistic lifestyles are a taboo for many.

But here are the facts as I know them;

Our shop.com home based business has allowed me to stay where I strongly feel that I need to be. HOME! I have access to unlimited trainings, seminars, work shops and support. I am a health and wellness coach for many people now. I have been a big part of a total of 138 lbs lost in the last year for 5 people. Mentoring and setting business plans into action for team mates is being done on a daily basis. Our client list has grown to over 20 people, many of which are life time clients because they are off pharmasudicals and over the counter drugs with side affects that didn't even work to begin with. 
We have people calling/emailing/texting to thank us for what we do because we don't just make a sale and disappear. Our passion has always been about empowering people so that they KNOW that anything is possible... 

And last but far beyond least, we have the avenue to offer the public Cash Back for their on-line purchases from our amazing branded products AND  from OVER 4,000 partner stores like Coach, Victoria Secret, Target, GroupOn, Nike, Adidas, Under Armour and many many more! 

Get informed. KNOW what you're turning down. Frankly because it's our mission to ensure that we share your options with you (that you aren't even aware exist) and can drastically change your everyday! From living healthier to living wealthier... We think you've got time for dat!!!

And not that THIS should matter to much but IT DOES! We have received over $1,500 in JUST commissions! ...and another approximate $1,500 in JUST retail profit from products that sell themselves. We just stay passionate about who we are, what we know and what we have to offer.