There is a need to share when brightness and goodness shines through as hope for a better tomorrow or simply your very best today.
So, this post I don't give you too much in the way that I think or feel. Today I just give you a more clear picture of what I do; by sharing our CEO's wife, Senior Vice President of Internet retailing for our company, Loren Ridinger's heart.
The 5 Key factors that resonate with me after having been an Entrepreneur these past 4 years...
1. Take notice that she doesn't say that it's easy or that they were able to make it fast or alone. She clearly states; "We worked at it everyday AND AFTER 24 YEARS, with the help of all the people who believed in us and worked with us, we are finally seeing the dream materialize in the incredible way we knew it could."
2. She, as many of us in the game, does not cloak herself in trying to create a smoke and mirrors 'opportunity'. Her DIRECT quote LISTS "the kinds of things that I love about the entrepreneurial life, despite its guaranteed challenges and tests."
3. The actual freedom on a daily basis to be able to create your day your way is undeniably empowering. As per Loren, "you get to define what success means to you"
4. Then there is more truth to follow that to me is ethical, real and on point. "The flexibility of time has been a blessing. And while it was incredibly hard at the beginning, after nurturing and growing our idea, the fact remains the same back then as it is now – whether we had nothing or everything, getting to spend time with our kids on our terms was and still is everything."
5. Rounding up my #5... Loren's "#5. Live Life on Your Terms: It’s not easy by any means. But it’s your choice, your life, your terms. You get to work towards something for yourself rather than for a boss who’s profiting off you. It’s the opportunity I’m so grateful we can give to our own entrepreneurs and something I wish for everyone trying to make it: live life on your terms. Time is precious. You should be able to enjoy it and define it for your own success."
And so... Happy Friday. 😎