About Me

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The way I see it, the time is NOW... for change to come & happiness, health & strength to be found. As of 2012, this has only changed in the way that I have stumbled upon an amazing at home business venture that has given me the avenue to ACTUALLY help transform peoples lives. Funny thing is, that's been my goal all along. So now I not only share who I am here but what I do. The fact is that anyone of you can actually find your happiness & success thru allowing the right connections to occur in your life. If you are on my blog... you made it here because you are looking to shift, strive, smile &/or change. Well now, I can help guide you to do any & all of the above thru personal motivation, life changing products with an outstanding reputation & LONG list of testimonials, substantial savings with our shopping annuity & incredible business opportunities to actually call your own... While never having to leave the security of your current J O B! Never be afraid to give something you know nothing about a chance; at least to hear about it. Then you can make an educated decision to pass it up not an ignorant one. The opportunities exist.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, Monday...

I can't believe I got a run in today. But yup... One 5k done four more to go this week. (In case you've just joined me, I have started a new challenge for the month of October... 28/31 consecutive 5k's or runs in the 31 days!!)

Got to enjoy my siblings (even the one in Mexico!!) and Bito today because it's Monday. Boy how I look forward to our Mondays!!! 

After getting home from the outing and driving around dropping the kiddos at school, paying bills, making calls and getting a little work done, got stung by a bee IN MY HOUSE, took off to run, picked kids up and cooking some late dinner.... I really DO love my life. 

Past 'my' willow tree and just couldn't help but share it with you all. :')

Enjoy it bloggers!!! Get out there and find YOUR Willow Tree...


Connie said...

Have a little Tennis to play next week with my 60 yr old brother. o_O
THIS should be interesting. Lol

Who are you guys routing for?

Even if I beat him, at least I got him out for the rest of this week to run so that he can prepare for the match! ;)

So, it's already a WIN for him!!! And me... right?!

Anonymous said...

This blog is my mom's blog and I have been reading it for a little while and this made me realize my mom is MY IDOL.

Connie said...

This was cute... and very humbling. I love you Panda!!

Maybe we'll create an account for you soon. But for now, thank you for your support and your beautiful words.

You keep it up with the amazing job at growing up to be the bright star in everyone's day that you are a part of and you cannot go wrong. Believe in our Creator that has blessed us with so many beautiful people and things in our lives baby. In His name, live life to the very fullest every SINGLE day.

I guess, we'll see you on the flip side. (The blog a little more often.) ;)