Heard about stress fractures sneakin' up on you and figured I'd not take a chance.
A little break might just be a smart thing.
After a (much needed) relaxing day, took off to 'watch' my husband play some two hand touch football with one of our teenagers and a co-worker. Then it turned into CoEd two hand touch football.
Yep... Got in on a little game. Had a couple TD's, blocked a few passes and ran quite a few routes.
41 years old and yes, I can hang a little. :)
Never really thought much about what all the hard work I make sure to fit in day to day does. LITERALLY...
It helps to ensure that I can live life to the fullest with my family... Never looking to sit on the sideline just because my body is not used to 'functional movement'.
Life and what happens in life may get me sidelined but not if I can help it. And keeping active and fit is how "I Can Help It!"
So tomorrow is a start to a new week.
What plan do YOU have to get your body used to functional movement???
Be creative. Use your love for fresh air, music or your dog! Put it together with a little jog/walk/dance/stretching!!! And allow your body to start functioning outside the stiffening norm!!!
The sky really is the limit.
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