About Me

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The way I see it, the time is NOW... for change to come & happiness, health & strength to be found. As of 2012, this has only changed in the way that I have stumbled upon an amazing at home business venture that has given me the avenue to ACTUALLY help transform peoples lives. Funny thing is, that's been my goal all along. So now I not only share who I am here but what I do. The fact is that anyone of you can actually find your happiness & success thru allowing the right connections to occur in your life. If you are on my blog... you made it here because you are looking to shift, strive, smile &/or change. Well now, I can help guide you to do any & all of the above thru personal motivation, life changing products with an outstanding reputation & LONG list of testimonials, substantial savings with our shopping annuity & incredible business opportunities to actually call your own... While never having to leave the security of your current J O B! Never be afraid to give something you know nothing about a chance; at least to hear about it. Then you can make an educated decision to pass it up not an ignorant one. The opportunities exist.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Get to know a little bit about an amazing couple that creates change through their everyday to better their lives and to take anyone with them that is ready and willing to listen and apply what they learn!!

Yes, THIS is what I try and do through this blog... and now I have found the perfect tool to maximize my efforts... 

Read and know that all questions and comments are welcome. If not thru the blog, feel free to email us at
Bill and Lydia Martinez USA
Executive Director
We are very blessed by what Market America brought to our lives. We both have always worked for ourselves and we have experienced everything from extreme cash flow to lawsuits to bankruptcy, which resulted in the loss of a home and a car.
It took us both quite a while to realize the power of the business model that we held right in our hands.

We both thought we started our UnFranchise® business in 1997, but that was only when our contracts were on file with the corporate office. For the first five years, we basically dabbled in the business. At times, we thought we were actually working and running our Market America business as a business, but it was not until 2002 that we made the decision to take complete control of our lives and use Market America as the vehicle.

Too many people sign a piece of paper and think it will change their lives. Many do not understand that the real key is the systemization of the business model that allows you to leverage yourself. In reality, Bill's successful entertainment company was only successful when Bill was there. Sure it was a great income, but it only came with working nights, weekends and holidays and managing people who eventually went into competition with us. With Market America, there is true leverage. Within two years of following the system, we were in a position to sell Bill's entertainment company of 15 years. In only four years running our UnFranchise business on a part-time basis, the great income from that entertainment business was not only matched, but tripled. We have changed our focus to what we truly love to do like traveling, golf and teaching weight education.

Lydia, with a substantial health and fitness background, has now been able to magnify her education and abilities to impact the field and customers. The money and time that the UnFranchise affords, combined with the continued expansion and sophistication of Market America's products and services, allows her greatest passion to become reality: producing health and wealth. The UnFranchise is not only for self, but impacts and empowers the health of others worldwide — physically, mentally and financially.

Nothing can replace the freedom we experience by choosing every detail of our lives, from what we want to drive, where we want to live and just the little things of how we want to spend our time each day. It's not only financial success, but the friendships that have been created on the way. These friendships will last a lifetime. The people we get to spend time with enrich our lives and make the financial success that much sweeter.

It's not that Market America is the end-all be-all, but your return on investment is truly incredible — more than what we have experienced in our past ventures — and through Market America, so many opportunities have opened up in our lives. Our advice is to take Market America and use it to create the life you were meant to live and impact others through your success.

One of our favorite quotes is by George Bernard Shaw: "You don't find your right life. You create it."
Currently doing business in: the United States of America.

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